Monday, October 31, 2016

Light Intensity

 The first exercises was to show the jumps between hues by finding the middle grey between black and white, and the second was to show the simultaneous contrast as the light color transitions to dark.


The photos above are the three final pieces of the light intensity project. My hardest task of the game was trying to find a middle grey, but colors look different under different lighting. The first photo on top was to show the simultaneous contrast of values from white simultaneously going all the way to middle grey, and then all the way to black. The next photo on the bottom right was the piece with full gradient, showing from black, middle grey, light grey and white. The final photo on the bottom right is middle grey to white.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Focal point, and connection types (Group 2)

Spatial interval, & attitude (Group 1)

Focal point, attitude, and spatial interval (group 1)

Connection types, alignment, and focal point (Group 2)